
Lights up on a female identifying pitch person, dressed in skinny black jeans, with high heels, a tight black turtleneck and a hat adorned with pheasant feathers, carrying a whip.


You’re here. Each and every one of you.
For what you don’t know. You’re here
Given the privilege of looking.
You’re here
Looking at the differences.
Challenging the urge to judge.
To dismiss.
The otherness what isn’t you.
Or is it you? And you just don’t wanna see it?
Tonight. This moment. Our journey. Together.
The Other than what you think.
Other than what you know.
Other beings.
Other expectations
O there. Are. Things. Yet. To. Be seen.
Bodies are our soul. A landscape. A landscape we paint. 
Do you like to paint? Making choices? Physical choices?
Perceptions, or urges…
What are your urges? 
Bodies react. Between what is and what isn’t. 
Binary. Or other.
Pushes us to dig deep. 
Or deep comes to the surface.
Fantasies or fact. 
Little kids love to dress up.
And I love the costumes you all wore here tonight.
We put ourselves on the stage.
Dressed bodies.
In staged rooms.
Rooms telling a story.
Each room a story.
Will you turn away?
You paid your ticket.
You want to be entertained.
So come inside our journey through story telling rooms. 
Searching for what is true.
Their truths.
Their landscape.
Their choices.
Despite how the world responds.
Don’t walk out.
Don’t turn away.
Stay and judge for yourself.
Do these creatures deserve compassion?
Do they deserve protection?
Or should they be gone from sight?
To the dark corners of the night.
Come into our world for a moment.
Judge for yourself.
Bodies are our landscape.
Bodies hold our soul.

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